It was 29 AD in Jerusalem city, 120 "believers gathered together in one place. Suddenly there was a noise from the sky which sounded like a strong wind blowing, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire which spread out and touched each person there. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:verses 1-4). These were the blessed few who were anointed with the Holy Spirit and who had witnessed the resurrection of Jesus few days earlier. They praised and worshiped God, healed the sick, sold their property and possessions and distributed the money among all. This 120 consisted of former fishermen, tax collectors and prostitutes among others. There were no discrimination, Jews, Gentiles, Masters, Slaves, Rich, Poor, Women... all were equal in Christ. The pagans around them were amazed by this extra-ordinary group that came together. What the world saw as misfits were the first true Christians! Christ had entrusted this few with the task of spreading his ministry and God used them. These believers laid the foundation stone for Christianity by following what Jesus taught and they loved Jesus with all their heart. Their life mirrored the Image of Christ.
Two thousand years later the 120 has now become 2 billion strong, but as Christians we need to ask ourselves if we are living like the first 120 or have we completely lost the Image of Christ? A deep probe into our souls will reveal that we have lost it by being selfish and loving the pleasures in this mortal life. Jesus teaches us to work towards an eternal life so that we can reap our riches in heaven. But an eternal life asks for a spiritual life and a spiritual life needs spiritual nourishment. As food is to nourish our body, reading the Bible is essential for the nourishment of our soul. To reflect the image of Christ we have to reflect his attributes, therefore it’s crucial to learn the life of Christ.
Some Christians seem to be concerned with only evangelism and all they want to do is preach the gospel to souls. Other Christians only seem concerned with changing society and making the world a just and fair place. But Jesus wasn't one sided in those ways. Jesus preached and healed. He helped the sick and the poor. In helping others, we act the way Jesus would. We learn by experience that service gives us more life satisfaction than selfishness does. Being involved in the work of God is the most satisfying feeling of all, for it will be of eternal value.
Many people throughout history have been moved by the life of Jesus Christ, moved by his Humility, Compassion, Grace, Holiness and his Divine Authority. Jesus was a complete man, a role model for Humankind. He is not just an example of how we ought to live our life – he is also an example of what salvation means. What astonishes everyone is his Humility and Meekness. The Son of God being born in a manger, the King who rode a donkey and the Teacher who washed his disciple’s feet, it’s a life that taught us that the greatest must become the least.
God created man in his own image, but Adam lost his Grace when he sinned against God. Christ gave us the possibility to reacquire that lost Grace. Christianity as a religion teaches us that Grace is vital as we cannot be good no matter how much we try. With Grace come Love, Forgiveness, Righteousness, Faith and Obedience. A single capsule to become a complete person.
“If you say you have everything, but if you don't have God's Grace
Then you have nothing.
If you say you have nothing, but if you have God's Grace
Then you have everything.”
The next step is to transform our lives into new beings. But we ourselves are not capable of changing our lives but God gives us the power to change it. Salvation comes from Christ. To transform ourselves into the image of Christ we need to have the Holy Spirit living in us. It is the Holy Spirit that gives us the power to change our behavior. It will be arrogance to think that we can change ourselves. This transformation into a new being will kindle within us a Love for God. It is then that God works in us as we submit to him. God does not force us to Love him, Love has to be willingly given. It’s a choice we humans are left with to make.
Everyone will agree that Jesus Love for us is the most beautiful thing to happen to this world. Once a small girl asked her Sunday school teacher, "How much does Jesus love me?" The teacher told her to stretch out her hands to both sides, "This is how much he loves you". Take a look at Christ on the Cross with his arms stretched out wide, and the enormity of his Love for you and me. Even if you were the only single soul to ever live on the earth, Jesus would have still come to earth and died for you on the cross. Yes, he would come back for that one lost sheep. How can we even comprehend the magnitude of such a Love? How heavenly it would be, if we humans could emulate a fraction of his love to our fellow human beings and if only a small percentage of the 2 billion Christians could bring out that Love, the world would be a different place to live in.
Mother Teresa was one such person who was successful in practicing this Love. She once said, "We can't do great things in life.... We can only do little things with great love". What a difference a small action of Love can make! Christianity is all about this trickling drops of love and kindness to the people around us. It’s these drops that make an ocean of Love. To Love you have to learn to give. What better way for Christ to show his love, than giving his Life for us on the Cross. Every cross is made of two parts, the horizontal part represents the love between God and mankind and the vertical part represents the love between our brethren. It makes much sense why Jesus gave us the new commandment to Love one another. As I have loved you (John 13: verse 34) because no cross is complete without both the parts. We learn more about love when we love people who are hard to love; we learn more about forgiveness when people sin against us. Our character is shaped more like Jesus not so much in good times, but in difficult times. The Love teaches us to be grateful to God. If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you", that would suffice.
The 2004 Hollywood movie, The Passion of the Christ directed by Mel Gibson which depicted the final moments of Jesus before his crucifixion, was an eye-opener to many Christians. Made one wonder how did he undergo so much sufferings for me? How did he endure all these sufferings so silently? One thing Jesus taught us silently on that fateful day was that, without suffering there is no cross and without cross there is no Crown. Let it be our prayer to God to give us lot of crosses to bear, but to strengthen our shoulders so that we can carry all of them. God often uses suffering to drive us deeper into our faith. Christian life is not exactly a bed of roses; sufferings are part and parcel of human life. Christ's message gives us the courage not to falter as we walk the path of life and we learn to walk with the Lord, one day at a time. When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, Trust him fully. Only one of the two things will happen; either he will catch you when you fall or he will teach you how to fly. We can be confident, even in our trials, that God has something wonderful planned for us. Our trials are only temporary, but the glory will last forever!
It is crucial to understand the value of our life. Our life is equal to the life of Jesus Christ because he sacrificed his life so that ours can be saved. We need to value the eternal life that Jesus offers us—and we need to act like it is more valuable than the temporary rewards of this mortal life. We should love God more than we love money, physical pleasures, or the success that this world offers. Those things are temporary, so we need to keep our eyes on the goal of eternal life, with eternal pleasures and eternal significance. We have a choice. If we want a meaningful life, a satisfying life, an enjoyable life, then we need to look to Jesus as our model, and as the power that can change our life.
Follow in the path of Jesus, becoming beacons of Love, Compassion, Obedience, Faith and Hope to others around you. This beautiful transformation into Genuine Christians will send ripples of everlasting joy to our inner and outer being as we become one with Christ.
“All of us, then, reflect the glory of the Lord with uncovered faces; and that same glory, coming from the Lord, who is the Spirit, transforms us into his likeness in an even greater degree of glory” (2 Corinthians 3: verse 18).
Paul says here that once we have become Genuine Christians we reflect the glory of Jesus as though reflected from a mirror. And day by day we are in the process of being changed, becoming more and more like him, i.e., the Image of Christ.
- written for 15th Gulf Marthoma Youth Conference 2009