Marriage is said to be an out of world experience, atleast we have been told so. We find that special someone and vow to take care of them in sickness and in pain till death sets them apart. What a corny line, but how many of them truly follow this with their heart?! I always thought of marriage as an eternal bonding with that special someone with whom you could share everything in your life with and who enjoys growing old with you.
The media of the 20th century have been tirelessly bombarding our youngsters with images of an utopian world of big houses with white picket fences and inside there would be this perfect and happy couple basking in their luxury. How much we all long to be in that happy world .....or dare I say, we would do anything to get that life. The new generation is left to believe that married life is a piece of cake and luxuries can bring happiness, but majority of them are in for a BIG surprise when they get into their married life. Few months down the lane they face their first hurdle and they give up so fast... and after another few months they find themselves picking up their broken hearts as they split their ways. Married life is not hunky dory 24x7, it calls for hardwork. Its a real challenge for two individuals from 2 different backgrounds, with different opinions and attitudes to stay together. Its calls for sacrifice and patience. Family is all about sharing, forgiving and putting your love for your spouse before youself. Most of all its about doing those things that you really hate to do but at the same time what your partner loves to do. No one is perfect. Be happy that you have found that special person who was made beautifully imperfect for you.
"In the end, its these small things that you remember. the little imperfections that make them perfect for you." - www.thinkfamily.sg
Susan Sarandon in the movie "Shall We Dance", gives a beautiful answer to the question - Why people get married? It has stuck with me ever since.
(As quoted from the movie)
"Because we need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet. I mean, what does any one life really mean?
But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything - the good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things........All of it. All the time, every day. You're saying, "Your life will not go unnoticed, because I will notice it.
Your life will not go unwitnessed because I will be your witness""