Many of us can't forgive people who have wronged us, I guess that's human nature. But when we can't forgive them we can't forget them and eventually we become chained to the very thing we hate. To break this chain we need to be strong, like Mohandas Karamchand Ghandhi once said "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong".
I think to forgive someone you need a big heart. Forgiveness is about "thanking" that it happened to you. True forgiveness is when you can say to the person who hurt you: "Thank you for giving me that experience". After all, you can't have anything new in your life, unless you are grateful for what you already have. Now that's the secret to having a new life.
I think to forgive someone you need a big heart. Forgiveness is about "thanking" that it happened to you. True forgiveness is when you can say to the person who hurt you: "Thank you for giving me that experience". After all, you can't have anything new in your life, unless you are grateful for what you already have. Now that's the secret to having a new life.