During the past couple of years, rust had creeped into some of its exposed parts and the rickety old timer had become grumpy making a lot of rattling noises during motion. On the roads, people look at it with fascination, while some with disgust. Nothing can hide the fact that this car has endured some unbelievable desert summer heats during the past 3 decades. Both me and my brother took our first driving lessons on this car. This 1980 Corolla did play a major role in moulding me to the kind of person I am today. My father has been dreaming that Toyota will award him for preserving this car for so long and probably take the engine back to their factory in Japan to do research on it (Ok, that part was my dream .. hehe).
Finally today my dad sold it to a Pakistani man for 1,000 Riyals. Its nothing much to sell a car for, but lately it had become a burden for us to carry around. When I was two and a half years old, I snatched the car keys from my dad and ran out of the house only to fall down just before reaching the car. The key pierced my cheek and it made a dimple on my left cheek which appears to this very day only when I smile. The car had made a mark on me as a reminder of the good ol' days. Even though now we miss it dearly, nothing can takes its place because it has made a mark in our hearts.