Friday, February 15, 2008

Wakeup To A Green Life

I recently got the chance to see the movie, "An Inconvenient Truth" made by the former US vice-president Al Gore. Its a true wakeup call for the human race, no wonder the movie won the Oscars in 2007. Really, what are we humans doing to this beautiful planet?? We take it for granted and keep polluting and we have surely gone past the point of no-return. The Heat and Cold at some places have reached record highs and we humans still continue to live irresponsibly tampering with the balance of nature.

Green House Gases have caused climates across the world to change drastically in the last couple of years. The recent cold waves across Afghanistan, droughts in Sudan, hurricanes in Oman, China and the floods in Mumbai are some of major calamities that the world has witnessed recently. The Earth has been sending us messages through these calamities, but it still hasn't opened our eyes to the truth. Sadly these calamities are going to keep on coming until its kicks us right where it hurts.

I'm afraid the time for warnings has come and gone, its now the time for action. Environment groups say that, individuals should make an effort to change their lifestyle to be more environmental friendly. But that could take decades. I believe that, for a faster action Governments, Companies, Schools and Religious groups should take action by bringing out new rules, alerting people and being strict. Sometimes we humans need the right kind of push to fall into the right gear.

The Governments of different countries can take small steps like banning incandescent bulbs and promoting CFL's (Compact Fluroscent Light's) which can make a big difference in saving energy. Another thing the governments can do is to replace taxi's and public buses with hybrid vehicles which cause less pollution.

Paper receipts from ATM Cash Machines is one major culprit for paper wastage in the modern days. They are pointless as we can check our account balance on the ATM Machine itself. Banning Paper receipts on ATM machines can be a wise move and it could save huge numbers of trees or maybe even forests!!

God has put Humans in charge of this beautiful planet, but our generation has made it worse and unlivable for our future generations. We are too busy living that we are losing the precious from right under our nose. It reminded me of the saying "If you put the urgent before the important, later when there is nothing urgent there will be nothing left that is important".